Elements of a Typical Trade Secrets Lawsuit
The Greek yogurt wars provide a case study in the components of a typical trade secrets lawsuit.
The Greek yogurt wars provide a case study in the components of a typical trade secrets lawsuit.
Tenth Circuit holds that plaintiff must prove irreparable harm to get a preliminary injunction under the Defend Trade Secrets Act
What is the minimum it takes to meet the Defend Trade Secrets Act’s “reasonable measures” requirement?
The primary effect of the Defend Trade Secrets Act has been to change where trade secrets lawsuits get filed.
The primary practical effect of the Defend Trade Secrets Act has been to shift a lot of typical customer list cases from state to federal court.
Did the federal trade secret statute’s new ex parte seizure remedy live up to the hype in the statute’s first year?
The recent Brunswick v. Sultanov case addresses an ex parte seizure order under the Defend Trade Secrets Act, plus a novel personal jurisdiction argument.
Find out what M.C. Dean, Inc. v. City of Miami Beach means for litigation under the new federal Defend Trade Secrets Act
The first case applying the new federal Defend Trade Secrets Act, Henry Schein v. Cook, was notable for how ordinary it was.
These are the five key things Texas employers, employees, and the lawyers who represent them need to know about the new federal trade secrets statute.